Monday, 25 June 2012


Welcome to my blog which is being written to the familiar sound of mid-summer rain. I say midsummer because it is hard not to think that the passing of the longest day marks the beginning of the descent into the endless winter. In fact summer hasn’t even begun and we haven’t had a summer for three, four or more years. The last hot day was exactly 365 days ago. I remember it because we went to the beach – as did everyone else. 

As soon as the sun shines, anyone living within 2 hours of the coast starts up the car and joins the queue which ends in a car park somewhere within sight of the sea. By the car park will be a café with its own everlasting queues; an hour for a cup of tea, ninety minutes for food and twenty minutes for the toilet. Fortunately, you don’t have to queue to go in the sea; unfortunately, the sea is always too cold to want to be in unless you are a child, wearing a wet suit or one of those people from the North who wear shorts in the snow. Usually by time you’ve reached the beach you find a stiff sea breeze which will occasionally burn you but mostly leave you so cold that someone has to go back to the car to look for jumpers. Even if it is warm you will find cars with people in who just stare out to sea. Paul Theroux says the British are the only island people who do this wistful gazing at the waves and the horizon.
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me

Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me

Last night as I lay on my pillow
Last night as I lay on my bed
Last night as I lay on my pillow
I dreamt that my Bonnie was dead

Oh blow the winds o'er the ocean
And blow the winds o'er the sea
Oh blow the winds o'er the ocean
And bring back my Bonnie to me
The winds have blown over the ocean
The winds have blown over the sea
The winds have blown over the ocean
And brought back my Bonnie to me

I remember learning this ditty as a child and being moved by it. Maybe it was songs like this longing for the return of Bonnie Prince Charlie that have led us to turn our attention to the invisible distant shore. Mind you, thousands of British people stare at rivers and lakes in the name of angling so maybe we’re just a watery lot.


Chris Wafe, the man who said he would publish my book, has not been doing that for a year now. Last time I reminded him, he got very shirty and told me to find someone else. Then he repented and renewed his promise. I won’t pursue him but it’ll continue to bother me – possibly forever.

I haven’t yet read the story I wrote last week. The deadline is next Friday. I already know that I’ll change the ending which I rushed at first time around. I’m also writing yet another article about death which I hope won’t bore my readers as much as it has bored me.


On the radio yesterday, I heard a bunch of songs that were hits back in 1960 when I was 7 years old.  What puzzles me when I hear music from my past is that I still like the songs I always liked.  The first one played was by Jimmy Jones called ‘Timing’. In fact I’d always heard it as Timex and did yesterday. Another song played was by Adam Faith and it was called ‘Someone else’s baby’. This was the first pop song I ever heard. I remember being in a school classroom, waiting for our music and movement lesson to come on the radio. Presumably the teacher had tuned in too early and so the class got to listen to Adam Faith’s extraordinary diction. He would sing the word ‘baby’ in an absolutely unique way which was entirely foreign to my young ear. Fortunately my musical taste has developed over the years but the songs that affected me emotionally, such as Wooden Heart, still do. I only mention this because recently I was talking to a 23 year old about her life and she asked me if I felt that I was the same person I had been when I was younger. My answer is yes. 
As I’ve mentioned numerous times, one of the most significant meetings of my life was with Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa. I have a large picture of him on the small wall behind me as I write. I do not know whether he actually was an extraordinary being or whether we made it all up but I can not imagine how I would have managed in my life if not for that period when I met him and was presented with an alternative.

The 23 year old I mentioned sent me a message last night saying, ‘please bring down your how to be happy books.’ By this she means my Avatar books or maybe my books on meditation. When I met Muktananda, he told us that the best way to learn to meditate was to sit next to someone who was meditating. At the Ashram in India we were supposed to meditate a couple of hours a day. I never could meditate to my satisfaction, never felt ‘an unfathomable peace’, never had a vision, never travelled to another world, never lost myself. At one stage I had to lead meditation ‘sharing’ sessions in which the usual suspects would recount tales of amazing journeys and experiences of bliss. When Muktananda died in 1982 and I stopped being an official siddha yogi, I more or less gave up meditation.

Most mornings now, I meditate for half an hour or so. As before, nothing amazing happens but once in a while, for a moment or two, I feel calmed and just occasionally I sense peace. This momentary sense of peace is worth all the rest of the day put together. I am so grateful that I have this to turn to and that 40 years ago we were exposed to the teachings of the east because the young people don’t have that any more. Where we had mantras and spirituality they have diazepam and anti-depressants.

So it goes.

Sunday, 17 June 2012


Welcome to my blog which, like last week's, concerns a short story competition that I will enter at the end of the month. This is the first unread draft of a story I have written over the last two days. It'll take another week until I can make myself read it and make the alterations that will inevitably suggest themselves. This story is just over 4,000 words long.

 It’s a shock, I suppose. With hindsight you can say, yep, I guess I should have seen it coming, and you tell people the story but you don’t begin it there, you begin when it first went wrong. Was it yesterday, or last week, a month ago perhaps, or even way back when you first felt it slip? Did you say anything at the time? Some do, some don’t. I don’t. I notice the change, the first time a lover looks cross or deceitful, the first time someone fails to keep an appointment or breaks their word, and I hold my noticing inside of me in a mental log so when it happens again I can think, ah, is that a pattern forming, is this person not to be trusted after all, and the log turns into a ledger. But I don’t say anything, don’t want to rock the boat, don’t want to think I’m going to have to lose you.
And it’s no big deal. Literally.

1967 is a very long time ago. 17 then, 62 now. A lifetime.
I met him in a squat in North London. I smoked a joint with him. My first. South African grass. He told me he was going to the Roundhouse in Camden to watch Pink Floyd. On the way there we dropped some acid. LSD was his thing. I loved the colours, the music and the sex but I feared for my sanity. Barmi had no such reservations and he revelled in discordance and darkness. I remember one early morning in the park as sun rose. We’d been tripping all night and I was high and safe. Never had the trees, the municipal fountain and the birds, looked so sensuous and beautiful. It is a moment of life that has always been with me as the knowledge of perfection. Maybe it was then, when I was at total peace, that I first opened my log on Barmi because it was at that moment that he broke my reverie by loudly disclaiming an Egyptian spell he had picked up from Crowley invoking some dark force that I had no interest in.

For three years Barmi and I lived in the squat, received grants to go to the LSE and London University respectively, dealt pot, talked revolution and slept with an extraordinary number of beautiful young women. What unified us more than anything was love of cannabis in all its forms. A dope fetish that neither of us grew out of. Red leb, gold leb, afghani, roccy, nepalese, thai grass. The names on their own turned us on. We’d sit on sofas in our sittingrooom, with its decaying walls beautified by wall-hangings from the east, like two potentates in calico, dishing out drugs and wisdom in equal measure. Setting was everything. Our aim was to get our friends high and if you got high you became our friend. Always there would be some free smoke on the table. Try it before you buy it. Some incense burning, some music playing, relax into it man, feel what you feel, let the mind drift, see the sparkling colours, let the past go. We’d sit in a circle, ten, fifteen people at a time sharing the same joint, the same chillum, the same dream of freedom. Revolution with a smile.

The squat was demolished on decimalization day in February 1971. By then, the scent of flower power had already faded. For true believers, like Barmi and me, the die was cast.  Turn on, tune in, drop-out. This was all we wrote on our final exam papers. No marks, no degrees, no interest in the rewards that society had to offer. What to do? We met Tabitha the topless tarot reader when we were on mescaline at the Reading festival that summer. Ireland for you Barmi, she said, and India for Tim.
On the 30th January 1972 I was initiated by the guru swami maharaj in a small ashram in a village in north India. Mesmerised, I was there for four years.
On the same date, although I was not to know this for thirty years, Barmi was on a peace march in Derry when the British army opened fire and killed 13 people. Barmi wasn’t hurt but he came home soaked in another man’s splattered blood.


We were fifty-two years old when we next met. In many ways I felt that my life had come and gone. And this was okay with me except that I was stuck on what to do with myself. Of course I had become disenchanted with my illuminator but the world is a dream vedantic philosophy remained my cornerstone and saw me through the vicissitudes and joys of family life, divorce, periods of moderate financial security and, most latterly, bankruptcy. Pursued by creditors and an unnecessarily vengeful ex-wife, mostly genially ignored by my then adult children and unable to find employment or pay rent in London, I had out of desperation accepted the offer of a small one roomed flat in Totnes, Devon, a small apparently sleepy town that I thought would provide rural tranquillity. I’d been there less than a week when to my astonishment there he was, striding down the High Street for all the world as if he owned the place.

Same scruffy shoulder-length now grey hair, same chest-tickling long white gandolfian beard encrusted in yesterday’s dinner, same gleam in his small piggy eyes. His face, born old, had grown in to itself, mature enough now to last him until his eighties. As he made his strutting way down the street he was stopped or hailed every few yards by a variety of people. Short conversations would take place, maybe a hug. When he sat down outside a café, I joined him. I knew he wouldn’t recognise the bald lined man sitting opposite him.
 You okay Barmi, I asked. He looked at me, studied me, couldn’t place me. Wondered if you had any acid, I said. Or mescaline. Tabitha liked that.
He didn’t get it. Sorry man, he said. Who are you?
A waitress brought coffee. Before I could answer two young lads started whispering in Barmi’s ear. He put his left hand in is decaying sports jacket pocket and then took it out and shook the hand of one of the lads. Off they went.
I see you haven’t lost your touch, I said. Just your memory.
Again Barmi consulted his pocket, this time withdrawing a small lump of black hash. Tim, he said, I insist that you try this. Let’s go to my place and have a couple of chillums.


The first year in Totnes was difficult for me as I struggled both financially and socially to put myself on an even keel. I soon realized that Barmi, who had been living in the town for nearly twenty years, had established himself in the mind of many as some sort of maverick anarchist magus. He didn’t have followers as such but he did have an extremely large client base for his dope business and no-one could score from him without a some point being battered by his views which he could only seem to express negatively, that is by haranguing others for their weaknesses of spirit or thought. As he was mostly good natured and retained the charisma from our youth, his customers would buy into the idea that he personified and represented the purity of the hippy traditions of love, peace, equality and illegal dope smoking.
From what he told me, I gathered Barmi’s lifestyle hadn’t changed much over the years. I’ve never done a proper job and never paid a penny rent, he told me proudly when we first went back to his flat which, I subsequently realized, belonged to his latest girlfriend. It seemed to me that throughout his life this pattern had been repeated. He’d meet a woman, charm her, then move into her home and squat there like a giant cuckoo, until either the female found the strength to eject him or, more likely, having squashed his hostess into numbness he moves on to find something or someone more exciting. Like me he had four children, unlike me he had no idea what ages they were, where they lived or what their qualities were.
For all his fecklessness in relationship, Barmi remained loyal to the goddess that was marijuana and to the male friends whose intelligence he thought might be equal or superior to his own. Many of his friends, men and women, were stimulating people to get to know and I was grateful for this. Through his dope dealing, Barmi also knew countless other people and for many of these he was the only person that would deal with them for they were the homeless, the broke, the disadvantaged, the smackies; the riff-raff that no-one wants to see. This was Barmi’s social work and he excelled at it. You try laying a £10 bag of grass on a smackhead or a k-freak and then have the patience to wait for your money to come back. Barmi’s only competition on the street was a local gang of hoodlum crackheads called the Fosters who recuperated their debts with knives and boots.
 Of course, even the most medicated had to accept his sermon and occasionally be dragged off to wherever Barmi was living to become educated into the arcane mysteries of the goddess Shakti in the form of a plant. I must admit I was in sympathy with him on this. The newspapers go on about skunk and schizophrenia but it’s mostly bollocks. I get riled about this so I’ll have to try and skip over the arguments. Give these kids a decent setting to smoke in, let them know you’ll be there for them if they panic, play them some cosmic music, show them how to breathe, allow them to float away. Job done.
Oh yeah, get them to lay off the alcohol.

It was Barmi who suggested that I bought a kilo of weed. Having found my skills as a sub-editor as redundant as I had in London, I was further handicapped by the occult decision of a government department to deprive me of any benefit. After six months of no income, I was temporarily saved by a £4000 inheritance delivered by the death of an aunt.
That’s the price of a kilo, said Barmi. Buy it then sell it to me at 140 an ounce; you’ll make a grand.
After much hesitation and consideration, I agreed. What he hadn’t told me was that he needed me to lay the weed on him because despite the fact that he had been dealing his entire life and had no expenses to speak of, he hadn’t a penny to his name. What I had to do, therefore, was give him five at a time, sometimes more, sometimes less, and then wait for him to sell it before receiving the money. This could take a day or three weeks. Often when he wanted more, he hadn’t actually paid for the previous lot so then debt would swell up to maybe a thousand pounds. Initially I’d worry but after a while I saw that whenever the debt was getting too high Barmi would bring it right down to a reasonable amount.
Ten years went by in this way. Barmi wasn’t to be my only customer because I had to make a living and because the weed I was selling was so delicious and so strong that it was the connoisseur’s delight. I don’t know what your opinions about drug dealing are but believe me for a petty pot seller in Devon the pickings were moderate and far less than the average wage. Nor were they tax free for as much as a detest the state, I render under Caesar twenty per cent of the earnings from my ‘gardening’ business.
Barmi and I continued to meet somewhere in the middle of a philosophic continuum which had him emphasising social action and me advocating general detachment from the whole whirligig of individuality and blame. We still shared our hippy values and our love of the stoned state. The beautiful hash of the old days has gone but now there are the new Moroccans and the endless varieties of skunk to lyricize over and I’ve still never smoked a joint or eaten some hash cake and not felt the better for it.
About six months ago, we had a weed draught. None to be found – except in my tin for I always keep my personal ready for the longest shortage. Once upon a time, Barmi and I kind of liked a fallow period in which both to lie low and to anticipate the next shipment of goodies. Not once had our purpose of selling pot being to make money; it was simply about spreading the message and the joy and then buying more hash to drool over. An ounce of grass forty years ago may have cost £3, now it is near on £200 or £280 if you buy from Barmi.  I make £15 to £20 an ounce; he makes five or six times that. For both of us rapid turnover is essential so by the seventh unproductive week we were in trouble. For the first month your phone rings all the time. When it goes quiet you know your customers have found another source.
Barmi, who unlike me had run out of smoke, paced the streets day after day until he found someone who knew someone who had mentioned someone who was looking to sell a healthy amount of weed.  The price we were quoted was unusually low which was both attractive and worrying. As collecting the stuff would involve a 400 mile round journey with Barmi and two people I didn’t know to visit more people I didn’t know, I wasn’t keen. On the other hand, I needed the money.
For Barmi, the whole trip was a buzz. I was driving. The guys in the back seemed cool and we chatted and smoked amiably. When we got to the other end I was told I couldn’t go in and meet the sellers. Barmi would go in with my money and one of the guys. Of course I wasn’t happy. Five and a half grand for a kilo. You don’t want your money disappearing and you don’t want to buy shit.
Trust me, said Barmi.
I hate it when people say that to me.
On the way home, I was uneasy. The car stank of skunk. This was both extremely unprofessional and stupid. Barmi should have checked it was packed decently. He assured me the weed was good, and dry, but until I saw it I couldn’t be sure. When you’re carrying, the motorway seems full of police. I kept thinking, fuck, I’m sixty years old, what am I doing?
In fact the weed was a trifle damp which meant by time it was properly dry it was 6% lighter. Otherwise it was fine. A kilo is just over 35 ounces. As a favour and a thank you, I allowed Barmi four at cost price. Because of the draught I knew other customers would buy enthusiastically. Three days later, it had all gone.
Barmi, I slowly realized, was furious when I told him there was none left. But I got it for you, he said plaintively. I found it for you.
I’m sorry, I said. I sold it cheap because it was damp. Went quicker than I thought. Look, here’s half an ounce of my personal. There’s some Northern Lights coming at the end of the week.
Thinking he was pacified, I left in good spirits but afterwards had a tinge of guilt so I went home and took back three ounces I had promised to someone else. It then took me the best part of three hours to find Barmi again. When I did so, he was standing by the recycling point behind a supermarket. As I parked up beside him I saw the rage on his face. It was then that I should have known, should have read the signs.
I felt bad, I told him. Got some weed back for you.
The rage disappeared from Barmi’s face. I found it for you, he said. I’ve been so angry that I told everyone I was giving up dealing.
In truth he was pissing me off. He hadn’t done it for me but for himself and the £500 he had already made from the arrangement which was as much as I would make. Not to worry, I said with a smile, I’ve sorted it now.

For Barmi and me the 2011 Occupy movement and the activities of Anonymous hacking group came as a welcome surprise. Barmi was ecstatic. He took offence when I described it as the last hurrah of the hippies but I wasn’t mocking. Even cosmic nihilists want their children and grandchildren to live in a kinder world. For the first time in years, Barmi went to London where he camped on the streets, preached to the revolutionaries at St Pauls and rediscovered his radical activist heart. When back in Totnes he was up all night, reading and concocting theories about the collapse of capitalism. Initially I was pleased for him because I felt he needed a change in his life, needed a real challenge. For a while I had seen he was stuck in himself, repeating the same day every day, saying the same things to the same people. Atrophied.
Go to London, I urged him, stay there.
Too late. Occupy were moved on. Barmi stayed in Totnes and eased his frustration by shouting at people eating meat at cafes and donning his Anonymous mask at night to cause petty damage to whatever he considered to be the property of the one per cent. Personally I considered this petty, pointless and demeaning, and I found it hard to congratulate. When he told me he wanted to be arrested so he could explain the Occupy movement to the local police, I began to realise he was losing all sense of reality and that I should withdraw my money from him as quickly as possible. Unfortunately this is easier said than done because you don’t supply these debtors with weed they can’t earn you the money you owe you.
Then we hit another break in supply. You’ll have to go up North again, decided Barmi. I told him I wasn’t bothered and felt I should hang on to my cash for a deal that was already arranged for later in the week. Straightaway Barmi became agitated. I’ll sell it all before your man turns up, he promised. Again I demurred, partly because I didn’t fancy the drive, partly because I wasn’t sure about the weed and partly because I knew damn well that Barmi wouldn’t be able to shift that much so quickly. This time he positively flared up. Well I’ll get someone else to do it, he threatened. Cheap good weed, I don’t see your problem.
It’s damp, I told him.
Mine wasn’t, he said.
Later that day, another customer put in a large order so Barmi once more got his way although a fortnight later he’d only bought two ounces off me.

There’s no settled periods in the dope business. Suppliers and customers alike are random in their appearances. Up to about a year ago we had a regular supply of the best hash in the world. Then overnight it stopped. Since then there has been nothing of note, nothing that I could sell without shame, so when Barmi came round to show me what he called an  amazing bit of Nepalese hash for half the price it should be, I was quite excited. The blim he showed me was so tiny there was no way I could evaluate it. We can make a killing on this, said Barmi. There’s a kilo waiting for us.
Because I have never known Barmi to get his hash wrong, I consented to his buying a couple of ounces for me. When it arrived, I judged it to be crap. As did my friends. Barmi acted unconvincingly bemused. Seemed alright to me, he said.
How many signs did I need?

Two weeks ago, Barmy and his girlfriend Blossom went to a small festival in Dorset. I must admit that as at that point he owed me £750, and another friend close on a grand, I was a bit peeved they were indulging themselves on our money. On the fourth night of the festival, Barmi returned to Totnes and asked me to take some weed. When I arrived at his flat he had someone with him I hadn’t met before. This is John, said Barmi. I’m hoping that you will start selling weed to him. By saying this, Barmi broke all the conventions of the trade for he must not identify my role without my permission. Because I was anxious to get some cash off him and because it was late at night, I hid my fury, ignored his attempts to get me to be friendly to John and left as quickly as I could after selling him an ounce and failing to reduce the debt.
Three days after that I met him again in a café in Totnes. He was clearly wired. I haven’t slept for ten days, he told me, and I’m in a state of gnosis. To me he looked dreadful and sounded worse. Although the sun was shining in the café garden I was shivering as Barmi rambled on about his plan to pay his debts by introducing other customers to me and then taking a commission from them. Nothing he said made sense to me so I just sipped my tea, blanked him out and waited for him to buy some weed. Finally he said it. I want two ounces. Openly he counted out thirteen twenty pound notes and out them on the table between us. You’re a hundred short, I said. I can’t let the money go up. Without saying anything, Barmi went into the café, returning a few minutes later with a further hundred pounds. Only later did I find out he’d taken it from the till.

Yesterday, Barmi called me up again. For twelve years the conversation has been the same. He calls, I fix a time. Yesterday this wouldn’t do. Now, he demanded.
His new friend John was there. As was Blossom, who looked distraught. I felt nervous and short of breath. No tea was offered.  It’s time to implement the plan, said Barmi portentously. From now on I want you to lay weed on John and Blossom. Charge them £20 more than you charge me until the debt is paid off. We talked about it in the café.
No, Barmi, we didn’t, I replied, trying to be calm but hearing the tremble in my voice. You talked about it. I’m not interested. I don’t want to deal with anyone else and I don’t want to lay weed on anyone else. You’re my friend, you owe me the debt, you settle it.
For all the signs and adumbration, I did not expect the weight of abuse, threat, condescension and intolerance that I then received. It mystified me. Not only was it entirely contrary to any hippy value system that we talked about but it simply didn’t make sense. You make £100 an ounce, I said. Sell seven ounces and we’re clear; what’s the big deal. And don’t you dare ever threaten me again.
I didn’t threaten you, he said. I was just saying what would happen if you didn’t do it the way I told you.
Turning to Blossom, I asked, did Barmi threaten me. She nodded. John wouldn’t look at me. Now, Barmi, do you want some weed or don’t you.
Taking a wad of cash out of his pocket, Barmi said, I want three.
Okay, I said. That’s five hundred and forty pounds.
There’s four hundred here, he said.
I took out two ounces from my bag.
Three, said Barmi.
No, I said.
Jumping to his feet, Barmi kicked out at the coffee table and began to roar abuse at me. My temper finally snapped and I yelled back at him, accusing him of shitting on fifty years of hippiedom and near on twenty years of friendship. During the ensuing row John escaped and Blossom burst into tears. When Barmi had had enough of shouting at me, he went off to find John and I tried first to comfort Blossom and then to try and elicit from her some explanation for what was going on. Her explanation astounded me. He thinks the Frazer gang are going to beat him up, she said. He owes them two grand. He told them he’d get you and Phil to buy a kilo of hash from them without knowing it was them. But neither of you were interested.
But why would he work with them, I asked. He hates them.
And then suddenly the answer was obvious. All the signs had been there, the boasted staying awakeness, the self-absorption, the greed, the megalomania, the rambling garrulousness, the stupidity, the destruction…
It’s mountain climbing, isn’t it, I said.
Blossom nodded.
He was going to sell his friends for cocaine, I asked. Really?
And me, said Blossom, sadly. He’s leaving town, he says, running away. Afraid of getting his legs broken. Down to me to pay the bills and pick up the pieces.
As Blossom sobbed, I made myself a cup of tea, rolled a spliff and contemplated the sudden and inglorious end both to a friendship and to a business that I clearly couldn’t continue under the gaze of the noxious Frazers. Later, my own girlfriend, who had been a friend to Barmi briefly contacted him on his mobile to see if he would give her an honest explanation for his behaviour. It’s Tim’s fault for trusting me, he said.

Getting out at the bottom, maybe it is better than not getting out at all.

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Welcome to my blog, even if you are that strange Russian search machine that visits me twice a week to disappoint its readers while boosting my hits to an inexplicable average of ten a week. As nothing of note happened in the last week in my world, apart from being irritated by the noxious jubilee and failing to make any progress on my projects, I have briefly turned my attention to the actual raison d’etre of this journal, my non-career as a writer.

Last year, presumably at this same time, I received an email about the VS Pritchett short-story competition. There were two weeks or so until entry time. I gave it a go. Here we are again. Shall I bother? Have I the time? I suppose the question is already answered because I’ve spent the last two hours playing with ideas and not making much progress. As usual I have made two or three starts to different pieces and then stopped because although I can feel a story unfolding I’m already wondering if it is important enough, or unique enough or metaphysical enough or contemporary enough or funny enough or sad enough to engage someone’s attention. It might work for Murakami but for the rest of us have to use our fifteen minutes of fame to at least make sense. The prize is for stories between 2,000 and 5,000 words. Which ones will do the trick?

Here are what I now see to be 5 starts.

1. Day One
Right now, I feel very lonely. I’m sitting on the bed in the motel room. I asked the guy at the desk if I could smoke and he said yes, if I gave him £5 he’d take the battery out the smoke alarm. I was about to give him the money but he laughed and waved it away. You think we can afford alarms, he asked. Man, we want this place to burn down.
I’ve been here four hours now.
Only one hundred hours to go. And then I’ll know.
There is nothing to see out of the window except a brick wall. It’s not an omen but it feels like one.
I’m scared too. All my fears are speaking in my head. What if my luck runs out here? What if Tim’s blown his part? What if the police come? What if the gang know about it?
Always the same questions.
I will cope. I always have coped.
It’s been close sometimes.
I’m not a brave person, not a risk taker at all.

2. It is very difficult to tell people that you have died, especially when they can see you and touch you and tell you that you haven’t, so nowadays I rarely bother. Marie knows about it of course, so does John, but neither really believes me. They think it’s a stance I’m taking. Sometimes when we’re in bed, Marie takes hold of my penis and says, ‘Doesn’t look dead to me.’ I smile because she loves me, the one we thought I was, and I love her, as I love everyone now. At the beginning, when I thought there was some point, I did try to explain that the body is alive but I am not but I soon learned it was a waste of words.

3. Tomorrow I retire. I’ll put down the tools of my trade and start a new life. I’m so excited that I’ve not slept for a week. This whole year I’ve been putting everything in place. 

4. The little ginger kid sat apart from the others with a scowl on her face and with her skinny arms clutching her desk as she struggled to bottle her fury. The teacher and the whole class watched in fascination and wondered what may happen this time. “Please,” said Ms Jones, not even beginning to sound calm, “Please. Remember last time.”

5. It was always the money for me. Sure, I smoked the stuff but I wasn’t like him, like them, the oldies, always comparing one weed to another and rambling on about the drugs they’d consumed fifty years ago.  Dave wasn’t the worst but he fucking loved his marijuana. So he only had the best and, because he was a believer, at the best prices.
Good business for me.

In fact 1, 3, and 5, are probably the same story which was/is to be about a retiring drugs dealer setting-up his last deal. Number 2 is just a dalliance with the impossible, the putting into words of the wordless. Whenever I run out of books to read in the bath at night, I begin again to ponder Nisarga Datta’s masterpiece, ‘I am That.’ I’ve been studying this on and off for 36 years, rarely being able to feel that I’ve understood what I’m reading but with a sense that some truth  was close to being revealed to me. The essence of his teaching is this:

‘…the sense of being, of ‘I am’ is the first to emerge. Ask yourself whence it comes or just watch it quietly. When the mind stays in the ‘I am’ without moving, you enter a state which cannot be verbalized but can be experienced. After all the sense ‘I am’ is always with you, only you have attached all kinds of things to it; body, feelings, thoughts, ideas, possessions inner and outer etc. All these self-identifications are misleading. Because of them you take yourself to be what you are not.’

The thorn in Nisargadatta is his refusal to countenance the person, who is never real, never worth bothering about. What is strange is that for all the studying of this book I have done, when I do think I understand what he is on about it always seem like it is for the first time.  What I have never been able to do, never really attempted to do, is to remain in that sense of ‘I am’ that he talks about. The Avatar exercises have shown me, once again, how compulsive is thinking. It is both an addiction and a defence against emptiness. Feeling is the key.

As these thoughts preoccupy my soul, I find I want to write about them in my stories. Stories, however, are about persons, drama, activity. A good novel fills you with life and relies on your identification with the characters. I’ve written frequently about the aesthetics of Abhinavagupta in which emotion is used to transcend emotion. Nisargadatta would be most unimpressed. He’d stand up in the stalls and shout out, ‘Hey, it is just a play, a story your grandmother told you. Take your attention away and the whole thing dissolves.’

There is one thing Maharaj says that I have used as a plot driver. It comes in a dialogue with a visitor who keeps trying to make sense of his world. Over and over again Nisargadatta tells him that the world he is talking of is imaginary then finally he says:

Within the prison of your world appears a man who tells you that the world of painful contradictions which you have created is neither continuous nor permanent and is based on misapprehension. He pleads with you to get out of it by the same way you got into it. You got into it by forgetting what you are and you will get out of it by knowing yourself as you are.

Sunday, 3 June 2012


Welcome to my blog which finds me with paint covered hands and a paint spotted jumper which will never be my best again. This morning I went to Bristol to show my face at my eldest son's new pub. By new, I mean new to him. In every way.  

The building itself, which I saw for the first time today, seemed in more than a little disrepair and the idea that they would open tomorrow ambitious to my untrained eye. In fact, I don't doubt there are many people less acquainted with pubs than me. I don't suppose my parental abhorrence of alcohol is directly responsible for all my children being drinkers and this one now with his own pub, but it could be, Even when I was a drinker, I didn't like it and imbibed it simply to get out of my head. Once I found better ways of doing that, I was done with alcohol which seems to turn an awful lot of people into total morons. 

So it was probably only just that today I spent  few hours painting walls in honour of my son.

Once upon a time I earned my living as a painter and decorator. I was very bad at it. I can be careful for a while but sooner or later a mistake is made or an inch is missed and neither blemish put right. Luckily today a woman appeared who liked doing all the finickety bits but didn't like standings on ladders or doing the broad empty spaces with the roller. Together we made an excellent team.

Well, I thought so anyway.

At one point I found myself being observed by a plump rastafarian who was complaining at the skow pace of the work, 'Should be open by now,' he said more than once. 'Need to get some business done.' Annoyed at the scrutiny, I downed tool and went off to make a cup of tea. Turned out that this guy is a local drug dealer who is feeling displaced by the change of ownership. He appears everyday with one of his henchmen to hurry them along. My son and his partner treat him like an enthusiastic regular and they permit his presence there. I suspect this is a mistake because he is a massive threat to their security and their future.


The following is a short story I wrote yesterday because I was fed-up of writing myself ever-lengthening to do lists. I was intending to do it as a structured creative exercise based on my Robert Fritz method. What actually happened was that I wrote the first line and took it from there.


I’m going for a walk, said Phil. Don’t know how long I’ll be. Maybe she heard him, maybe she didn’t. He went anyway.

After about twenty minutes he began to calm down. Shouldn’t have got so angry in the first place. It wasn’t her fault that he’d chosen this day, the first of their holiday, to quit smoking. Luckily he’d stomped out with enough money to buy a packet of cigarettes. He lit one up then texted his wife, sorry.

Three cigarettes and a couple of miles later, he began to hear the sounds of music drifting from the side of a hill. Following a muddy path he found three people, two young men with long hair sitting on makeshift stools playing guitars and an equally young woman sitting crossed leg on the ground tending a blanket displaying homemade jewellery.

The woman, dressed in a torn sleeveless t-shirt and a short blue skirt, nothing else, smiled up at him. Are you one of the brethren, she asked.

Yes, he replied as he crouched down to finger the jewellery and to enjoy her beauty.

I thought so. Didn’t I boys? You’re so late! You may be the last, she admonished earnestly. Don’t worry though, I’ll take you.

Jumping to her feet, she took Phil’s hand. I’m Joanna, she said. I work in the Temple.

Phil felt his phone vibrate. A text from his wife. Come home. We’ll make up. Love you.

Joanna’s hand pulled at Phil’s and he allowed her to lead him further around the hill and into a small wood which ended at the entrance of a small cave from which came the sounds of rushing water. 

Letting go of his hand, Joanna spoke as if an awe. The entrance to the Otherworld, she whispered. 

Seeing nothing as he peered into the darkness, Phil hesitated to follow when Joanna disappeared into the unknown but just as he began to turn away the lighting of candles revealed to him two large pools of water in which naked men and women were bathing and singing songs that he couldn’t recognize and yet seemed familiar. When Joanna came back into view, she too was naked. Isn’t it wonderful, she said.

When Phil immersed himself into the water, he understood what she meant. Never had he felt so relaxed. He felt he could truly sink into an ocean of peace.

Got you, said Joanna gleefully. Every time, I get you.

Phil looked around uncertainly. It seemed that he was nowhere at all. Have I died, he asked.


Because I followed you to the pool?


Did you drown me?



Because that’s what I do.

Kill people?

Not people. Just you. Over and over. Every lifetime I come along and flash my tits at you and then this happens. I’m probably as fed up with it as you to be honest. It’s not as if you ever anything special. Sometimes I’m quite enjoying my life until you turn up. It’d be alright if you didn’t do that bit when you suddenly gain superhuman strength and pull me down under the water with you.

Owing to being dead, Phil was unable to comprehend much of what Joanna revealed to him and when he was reborn some years later (and, for the fifth consecutive time, christened Philip) he certainly had no memory of his encounters with her but always, somewhere in the core of his being, lay the suspicion that at any moment, out of the bluest of blues, he would be called upon to make a crucial choice and that the choice he made would be the wrong one.