Monday 16 July 2012


Welcome to my blog which really ought to be about rain because yet again it has rained every day and in every way for a week. The other night I drove back from London on the M3 at one in the morning. Large puddles sat on the lanes and the rain continued to pelt. I was reminded of a couple of years ago, on a similar night, aquaplaning off one of the side roads and landing in field. By time I got to Stonehenge, the road was empty; at least I think it was because in the few miles without rain there was instead a sudden and drifting fog which removed any chance of actually seeing the stones in the distance.

It is now five years since we had a whole week of warm sun. Two days ago, it was colder than on christmas day. For the first time ever I’ve had to put the heating on in June and July. Only once this year have I left the house without a jumper.  I guarantee, however, that if we do have five days of heat over 25 degrees, by the fourth I’ll hear people complaining about the heatwave and, that regardless of the weather for the rest of the summer, these people will remember the summer as having been good. It is too late to be good.

Not that I mind the rain when it is falling because I like the sound and the sight. This morning I watched a blue tit by my window, sitting bedraggled on a twig in a bush, its wings waterlogged and too heavy to move. It looked weary and bemused. Another bird landed in the bush, causing a shower of water to fall on the blue tit which fell, rather than flew, to the ground where it sat forlornly for a couple minutes more before, with evident reluctance, flying off somewhere else.

It continues to rain. I live on a housing estate on the top of a hill. In the gaps between the houses one can see out over the Somerset levels which are now fifty per cent covered with water. 

So beautiful.


Over the next few days (weeks and months), I have to focus on the day of the dead creation.  I find this considerably harder than allowing a story to unfold. Each time I sit at the puter to write an email, or a begging later or to apply my mind to the website or whatever, I discover some two hours, six teas and four smokes later that I’ve made a few notes about a children’s novel, started thinking about the next blog, pondered forgetting chris wafe and making the ebook myself, reminded myself I’ve six tv plays and three filmscripts that I’ll probably never finish and written pointless emails to people that I don’t know in far away countries either to vicariously go where they are or because they attract me. This is how I ended up (briefly) funding a Ugandan single mother, correcting the English of a devilishly pretty Russian girl and randomly communicating with people in Iran, Pakistan and Libya to explain that while I considered them to hold fundamentally deranged beliefs, in this they are no exception, being human after all, and despite their manifest flaws I personally had no wish to bomb them into the next world, even if that’s where they want to be. I’d then explain that the british people are almost as stupid as them and that’s why they voted for people like david Cameron to demonstrate our own devotion to mediocrity and self-defeating behaviour.

The replies I get to these emails generally seem quite mystified.

So it goes.

Meanwhile, not a lot gets done.


Once or twice day I’m sitting here and I hear a car draw up, a car door slam and the sound of a brass gate being unlocked. I stop and momentarily wait for the knock on the door and then my mind says, oh no, it can’t be yours, your lock broke off ten years ago. I guess that’s what my granny meant about my being a slow learner.


Between the ages of 13 and 16, I wrote poetry when I was particularly moody – which was most of the time. Somehow, over the years these poems have mostly evaded my chucking out processes. Diaries, novels, and short stories have all found their way to the rubbish while those first emotive outpourings have slipped past the time censor and hidden in a file. This week I found them yet again and once more begun to read through them, still liking the lines I’ve always liked and still grimacing at the ones that don’t quite do it. Then, to my surprise and subsequent regret, I scrumpled them up and threw them away. Now I really wish I hadn’t done it. Why go to the bother of having them for 45 years and then do that?


Probably one of the most dog-eared looked-at books I have is Rebirthing, the science of enjoying all your life, by Jim Leonard and Phil Laut. In fact, most of the pages have now become loose. It is a great book both for definitions and primaries/affirmations. Here are some random definitions.

Blame: Holding someone or something in a negative context because of the thought that the person or thing is the creator of something in one’s reality that one is making wrong.

Boredom: A pattern of energy that occurs in one’s body when one is avoiding the further activation of an emotion that is already partially activated, usually anger.

Drama: Acting out one’s emotions rather than taking responsibility for them.

Responsibility: A context in which one both acknowledges oneself as the source of the content and acknowledges the perfection of the content.

I sometimes turn to this book when I become aware of how limited my thinking is being. For example, when I sat down to meditate this morning, I couldn’t help noticing that when my thoughts turned to the day of the Dead creation, I felt dread, inadequacy and that horrible (!) feeling of vulnerability akin to being caught with your trousers down. Failure, mortification, self-hate, the lot; all packed into a nano moment. What to do?

Planning and following my plans are two of my favourite pleasures.

I am completely willing to obey the orders I give myself.

My strong sense of purpose attracts those people and situations necessary to accomplish my desired result.

Everything works out more exquisitely than I plan it.

People often misunderstand affirmations. It isn’t a matter of repeating the words continuously in self-hypnosis (although this does work in the very long run, as our everyday experience proves) Their first function is to reveal what you actually presently think and feel, i.e. your prior creation. The more you wince at the unlikeliness of the affirmation, the more opportunity to reveal, challenge and change the prior creations.
So, maybe this week this is what I will do. I’ll take ten or so affirmations/primaries that would help me create this day of the dead more enthusiastically and see what happens. Walk the talk as they say. (Sarcastic voice at back of mind says, yeah right.)

I’ve only just remembered that my topic of the day was going to be ‘how not to depress the young’. I suppose the answer is, be happy.

Enthusiasm: Grateful acceptance of ALL of the following: one’s purpose, one’s present reality, one’s goals, one’s plans, one’s structures, one present activity, and oneself.

Time for a lie down.

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